Lesson fees are 65.00 Plus HST (this includes an hour in the saddle and 1/2 for horse handling and care. Horse riding lessons and handling times can change based on the lesson being taught. Unmounted lessons are also required by the program.
The beginner sessions or privates are an hour only sessions.
Half hour on horse and other half in horse care and riding preparation of horse and tack. Riders are required to take as least one weekly lesson to be involved with the school. More horse lessons are encouraged and can be arranged.
A new rider is given the opportunity to work private with a coach for a few sessions… Then encouraged to a group. Group lessons are an hour and half long and great fun. We have riders meeting each other and enjoying the same challenges together. We learn as we watch and take part in group sessions. Riders are encouraged to have a weekly riding lesson.
We have certain riding hours and different level horses. The beginner horses book more and there are only so many hours available for introductory beginner lessons. We want to be able to make a comment to you with your learning and be able to provide the same horse to you so you can develop comfortably.
So being able to get the same horse is important to both you and school. So we need a comment from our students for a monthly booking of weekly lessons.
All riders will wear safety approved helmets on horseback. All riders are to have footwear with a heel. Riding pants or jeans to be worn, NO Shorts. Riders should dress for the weather. Hats and gloves and jackets when applicable. If your a new rider talk to your coach before purchasing helmets and riding boots to make sure you have the right gear for your sport.
We like to take a spot here to tell all current and past students of EE a big thank you for your interest and time and support you have given us. Also thanks for the great pictures and memories. We have enjoy our time with you and helping your learning curve. We are looking forward to our learning growth right along with yours.
Also all our students past and present a wonderful and happy future in your horse experiences going forward. If you like what you do here with us; tell others and spread the news!! we are always looking for new riders and to make new horse buddies.
Q: What are the Cancellation Policies?
A: Riders are required to give at least a 48 hour notice of lesson cancellation if not the lessen fee will be still required.
We need riding fees to cover our horses and farm costs. If riders can’t make a lesson, with notice we maybe to able to fill that spot. We like to be able to offer more lessons to other riders when spots become available some students don;t mind getting an extra lesson every once an while and this helps to support the school. And help costs for our riders.
Q: What should I wear for my first lesson? A: Wear comfortable pants and boots with a heel, even a rain boot will be OK for your first couple of rides. We do have some helmets here for your first rides and we well discuss what you should purchase when you are ready to buy your own.
Q: How old should kids be to start in your lesson program? A: we have started some at six much as to do with attention span and desire to learn about horses. Also the child has to be able to fit our smallest saddles..
Q: How long will it take me to learn to ride a horse comfortably on my own? A: The rule of thumb is about 500 hours and you should be a pretty sufficient rider.
I hear riders coming in saying they have taken lessons for two years…. Well was it two years once a week or two years riding every day… for 50 hours of riding time for a year of riding is not we would consider a sufficient amount of time . Time and practicing good methods is want makes good riders…
Q: When should I consider purchasing my own horse? A; When you have gone though a good learn to ride program and learn all the responsibilities that goes along with horse ownership.
It is important for students to invest in learning themselves first before considering horse ownership. Buying a horse is just the first step, keeping it, feeding it and understanding the effort of time and care needed is large and not a decision to make lightly. There are many horses and they can do many things so it is very important to learn lots about them first. So you know how to pick the right one for you.
Q: How long to horses live? A; Horses can live up to 40 years.. A Horse can be with you longer then the children you will raise. Remember they become a part of the family and it is hard to have to sell one for unforeseen reasons. Another reason for riding at schools and learning all about them first..